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Narissa: Narissa can help you with advice on our tests.
Adriaan: Adriaan can help you regarding your test results.
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We have an extensive FAQ section that covers the most common questions we’ve been asked.

Hi, I’m Adriaan, Founder of the Food Intolerance Testing Group

Ten years ago, I suffered from a bloated feeling and abdominal distension after eating. Sometimes I also had diarrhea and then constipation, I went crazy sometimes. I felt old and tired, and that’s how I looked as well. I was overweight, no energy, high blood pressure and a high cholesterol.

I took pills for everything that I suffered from, and I had to deal with unpleasant side effects. I did not any feel better, on the contrary: I felt worse and worse. At one point I was taking pills for the side effects of the pills I was already taking.

When I had to go to England for business, I came into contact with a friend of my business relation. He told me about a clinic that had been working with a completely new technique for years, to determine food intolerance. They used biotechnology.

75 years young

75 years young

Ten years ago, I suffered from a bloated feeling and abdominal distension after eating. Sometimes I also had diarrhea and then constipation, I went crazy sometimes. I felt old and tired, and that’s how I looked as well. I was overweight, no energy, high blood pressure and a high cholesterol.

I took pills for everything that I suffered from, and I had to deal with unpleasant side effects. I did not any feel better, on the contrary: I felt worse and worse. At one point I was taking pills for the side effects of the pills I was already taking.

When I had to go to England for business, I came into contact with a friend of my business relation. He told me about a clinic that had been working with a completely new technique for years, to determine food intolerance. They used biotechnology.

The test based on biotechnology is carried out by means of a hair sample. Hair samples are regularly used as a drug test, at crime scenes, in hormone testing and in nutrition and mineral analyses.

When I had a bloated feeling again after some time after dinner, I thought, let’s do that test. What do I have to lose? Blood was not needed, just 4 hairs.
I opted for an urgent result, because then I would receive the result by e-mail in only 48 hours

I turned out to be intolerant for three foods, two vitamins were short and was allergic to a plant in my living room. With the results of the test and their advice I have been able to take the right steps. After a few weeks I felt a lot better.

Now I have not been taking any pills for years and I no longer suffer from a bloated feeling, diarrhea or constipation. My blood pressure and cholesterol are perfect and there is no danger of diabetes anymore. I feel fit, and my energy level is good again.

Because of my own struggle and search, I came into contact with the aforementioned test centre and I now work with them. They are the undisputed world market leader in the field of hair tests.

My mission is to make as many people as possible familiar with this simple test. And I am quite proud that I can offer you a good test for a low price. This test is an excellent start to gain insight into your current situation.

I have been in the same place as you, felt the same frustration and powerlessness. I want to help you so that you will feel better than ever before, that you are overflowing with energy and want to do fun things again. And so that you can go eat out again with friends and/or family without having to worry, feeling free to eat whatever you want on birthdays or other parties.

Ultimately, it is about you and the problems you experience with symptoms caused by food intolerance. You want a solution for that problem and preferably as quickly as possible.

Start feeling better now and order the test


Regular Price:


Classic Test

Saliva samples tested on 1000+ items

Including: Support Plan
✔ Supported by a Qualified Nutritionist
✔ Common Misconceptions About Food Allergies
✔ Allergy Relief Source Book
✔ Eliminate Your Symptoms Program
✔ Weekly Self-Check Progress

Lab Processing
7-10 Business Days

100% Money Back Guarantee


Regular Price:


Premium Test
For 2 People

Saliva samples tested on 1000+ items

Including: Support Plan
✔ Supported by a Qualified Nutritionist
✔ Common Misconceptions About Food Allergies
✔ Allergy Relief Source Book
✔ Eliminate Your Symptoms Program
✔ Weekly Self-Check Progress

Lab Processing
7-10 Business Days

100% Money Back Guarantee


Regular Price:


Premium Test
For 4 People

Saliva samples tested on 1000+ items

Including: Support Plan
✔ Supported by a Qualified Nutritionist
✔ Common Misconceptions About Food Allergies
✔ Allergy Relief Source Book
✔ Eliminate Your Symptoms Program
✔ Weekly Self-Check Progress

Lab Processing
7-10 Business Days

100% Money Back Guarantee

No Test Kit Required (See more details)

Please note: postal charges & terms and conditions apply.


Regular Price: $276


Start feeling better Now

Saliva samples tested on 1000+ items


✔ Additives
✔ Preservatives
✔ Colours in Food Products

✔ Amino Acids
✔ Sweeteners
✔ Antioxidants and Fatty Acids

✔ Emulsifiers, Stabilisers, Thickeners, Gelling Agents and other acids

On top of that, we've added five more bonuses


Regular Price: $396



Saliva samples tested on 1000+ items


✔ Additives
✔ Preservatives
✔ Colours in Food Products

✔ Amino Acids
✔ Sweeteners
✔ Antioxidants and Fatty Acids

✔ Emulsifiers, Stabilisers, Thickeners, Gelling Agents and other acids

On top of that, we've added five more bonuses


Regular Price: $516


A Healthy Family

Saliva samples tested on 1000+ items


✔ Additives
✔ Preservatives
✔ Colours in Food Products

✔ Amino Acids
✔ Sweeteners
✔ Antioxidants and Fatty Acids

✔ Emulsifiers, Stabilisers, Thickeners, Gelling Agents and other acids

On top of that, we've added five more bonuses

Please note: postal charges & terms and conditions apply.


My Food Allergy Test is part of  The Food Sensitivity Testing Group

Disclaimer: Bioresonance is categorised under Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAMs) which covers a wide range of therapies that fall outside mainstream medicine. As a CAM, Bioresonance therapy is recognised as a proven therapy method by practitioners and peers Worldwide. Conventional medicine does not currently recognise Bioresonance as it has not been subject to scientific research. Our test and this website does not make a medical diagnosis nor is it intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider if you have a medical condition or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and/or medical symptoms. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. All probable or possible diagnoses generated by the test or this website need to be discussed and confirmed with a qualified medical practitioner. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or the emergency services immediately. Reliance on any information provided by this Website is solely at your own risk. Some of the content on this Website may be provided by third parties and we are not in a position to verify this content. We do not warrant that any such third party content is true, accurate or complete. Our test does not measure type IgE allergies or IgG antibodies. Since these reactions can be serious, you should seek the help of an allergy specialist.

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Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are currently not accepting new orders. We will process any ongoing orders. Questions? Email us at info@myfoodallergytest.com and we will answer as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience and understanding.