Milk or Lactose

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Confusion reigns with many people about the definition of lactose. Many think that milk and lactose are synonymous.
They are not. Take a look at these case studies which illustrate this well.

Case Study: Josie

Ten year old Josie was having a horrible time with her stomach. When she was eight she had started having regular daily pains. These were pretty severe and meant she could not concentrate in the classroom and often needed to go home. After nine months of suffering, Josie had an endoscopy, which is a procedure where a camera was placed into her stomach while she was under sedation. Following the endoscopy, her parents were told she was lactose intolerant. They were advised to only give Josie lacto free products.

Josie improved to a certain extent. The severe stomach pains only occurred once a fortnight, but day in, day out, she felt uncomfortable. However, she was missing
very little school and the family settled down to the fact her stomach was better than it had been before her new diet.

In 2017, I tested her dad and he was very pleased with the results and on the back of this I was asked to see Josie.

Upon testing, I found Josie was intolerant of Cow’s milk products.

I recommended Josie to stop using the Lacto free products tor ten days and see how her stomach reacted to this change, before trying one day of using the Lacto free milk products again. During this time, she was to use other alternatives to cow’s milk.

I advised she not be given goat’s nor sheep’s’ products because they contain lactose. Within two days Josie’s stomach discomfort was gene. But ten days later it returned on the day she tried Lacto free milk. Josie therefore, followed a cow’s milk free diet for three months.

After which she tolerated the reintroduction of cow’s milk, cheese and yogurt and has remained fine on restricted frequency and amounts only twice a day. She has continued to use coconut milk and almond milk for cereals and milk shakes.


Are lactose intolerance and cow’s milk intolerance the same thing?

No they are not despite what most people think. Lactose is milk sugar which is just one part of cow’s milk.

Most of my milk intolerant clients have heard of Lacto free products. A high percentage of them presume Lacto free products will be a suitable alternative for cow’s milk. Most of them will have someone encouraging them to use Lacto free because and 1 quote, ‘it tastes just like milk.’

If someone is truly lactose intolerant, it is because they do not have enough lactase enzyme produced by their small intestine. This means they cannot digest lactose. It will cause them pain, nausea and quite often diarrhoea as well.

Lacto free milk is normal milk, hence the normal taste, but it has the enzyme lactase added. If a patient is definitely lacking lactase, symptoms will improve, because the enzyme will enable adequate digestion of lactose. However, if the person is intolerant of cow’s milk, using Lacto free wilt not rid them of symptoms completely.

Josie was given a diagnosis of lactose intolerance and her symptoms did improve, but she was also reacting to other parts of cow’s milk. It was not until she avoided all cow’s milk products that she felt better.

This next case study is slightly different, but it is a common story.

Case Study: Alice

Alice also aged ten, carne to see me because she had been suffering stomach aches, nausea and diarrhoea for 18 months. After several visits to her GP she was referred to a paediatrician. Meanwhile Alice was missing school far too often and was becoming increasingly anxious about her stomach.

The paediatrician suggested on the basis of the history, that Alice was lactose intolerant. He suggested Alice be fed on Lacto free milk, cheeses, yogurts and margarines and return six weeks later. He explained, the sugars in milk, the lactose, are the worst part of milk and the other bits of milk, including proteins, and fat, are rarely a problem.

There was very little improvement for Alice and because of her over anxiety;
the doctor felt it was time for her to see a child psychiatrist.



The following week I met Alice. Yes, she was an anxious ten years old and she was feeling extremely unwell, constantly nauseous, with urgent diarrhoea, which worried her at school. Also she was concerned about the prospect of transferring to high school three months later, when she felt so unwell.  

Upon testing, I found Josie was intolerant of Cow’s milk products.

I recommended she stop using Lacto free items and change to the other alternatives I suggested. Within 36 hours Alice felt better. There was no need for child psychiatry. All her anxiety was gone. 

To recap

  • Lactose intolerance and cow’s milk intolerance is not the same thing.
  • Even if someone has been diagnosed as lactose intolerant, either by blood test, endoscopy or hydrogen breath test, when their symptoms have not gone completely, it is worth trying complete cow’s milk avoidance to see if symptoms improve.
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✔ Colours in Food Products

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✔ Sweeteners
✔ Antioxidants and Fatty Acids

✔ Emulsifiers, Stabilisers, Thickeners, Gelling Agents and other acids

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✔ Colours in Food Products

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✔ Antioxidants and Fatty Acids

✔ Emulsifiers, Stabilisers, Thickeners, Gelling Agents and other acids

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Rated 5 out of 5
19 October 2019

I have suffered GI distress my whole life and have made attempts to reduce symptoms by cutting out certain foods. By viewing my results, I have realized that I only scratched the surface of my trigger foods. I appreciate your amazing work and your assistance in directing me to better health.


Big help and thanks

Rated 5 out of 5
7 October 2019

Thank you so much! You guys have really helped me a lot 🙂 have a great day!


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I am fully aware that the food we choose to eat will affect our physical and mental health, our athletic performance and how we age.

Adriaan, 75 years young — Fitness Expert & Senior Nutritionist
Founder of The Food Intolerance Testing Group


My Food Allergy Test is part of  The Food Sensitivity Testing Group

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